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понедельник, 23 мая 2016 г.

how to be good at english

 How to be good at english? Many young people today, need to know english at high level. Some people would agree that english is the most important think in our days.
 There are certain advantages to having a good english. To begin with, it can be considered a good buisnes helper. After all, you can use it and possibly make a profit. 
Furthermore,english will help you to find a new friends in forein countries. You can arrange about somethink with citizens.
 However, learning of english can also have a number of disadvantages. One major drawback is needing much time for it. This is because you need a large amount of time to learn it and speek clearfuly. Secondly, you can fogot it. This means that you can just fogot english if yuo don't use it much time. 
 All things considered, there are both advantages and disadvantages to learn english . It seems to me, though, that it is a good idea if you need it. It is something that belongs to you and can give you communications in the future. 

понедельник, 16 мая 2016 г.

final topic module 6

I think that crimes poising our community. But not all of them are bad. For my mind street art is so beautiful, but some people thinling that it is vandalism.
for example lego reconstructions in New York.
Most people remember playing with Lego bricks as a child. It seems, though, that toy towns aren’t the only things they are used to construct, lego repair work’ was created by German artist Jan Vormann. Jan spent three years travelling the world, fixing crumbling walls and monuments with Lego. Jan took his project to New York Jand together with a team of volunteers, I constructed Lego repairs all over the city, j including at the Brooklyn Bridge and Central f l Park. Cracks in buildings soon disappeared  and were replaced with bright Lego shapes.
Also not all of street artists are painting beautiful thinks. And some of them are criminals.
there are many of special studied Forensic Scientists thats help to catch  criminals.
There’s no typical day because every case is different. for exampe few days ago,they examined some evidence that had been collected from a crime scene. A ski mask had been found after an armed robbery at a pizzeria, so they had to search it for hair, blood and saliva.
for this analyses they use powerful electron microscopes, ultraviolet light to see traces of evidence like tiny fibres and spectrometers.
Now internet is the most popular think in the world. Many of crimes are going there.
How would you feel if your computer was hijacked and used to send nasty emails to your friends, or if a virus destroyed all your data? Well, this happens more often than you might think. In fact, in the UK alone hundreds of thousands of private computers are hacked every year. The people behind these attacks are called 'crackers' or 'hackers'. Hackers are highly intelligent programmers who can easily break into computer systems. They use their expert knowledge and skills to gain access and can then steal data or infect computers with a virus or a worm.
I think that's crimes are aful, and you should be carefuly to protect yourself from criminals.

вторник, 10 мая 2016 г.

a letter to editor

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to the article in the High street vandalism, I think that's aful .
 In my opinion, this is aful. many of people are afraid of graffities, because of this many of shops are closing.
Firstly, you could try call more police in night time. As a result, many of illegal artists must run away from police and streets will be cleaner.
Furthermore, local concil could repaint all of walls that was painted by vandalists.
Consequently, members of the community of all ages would have somewhere pleasant to relax, play sport and come to High street. This would brighten up the area and contribute to a sense of community spirit. All in all, I strongly agree with the decision to renovate the street and believe that the council should turn it into apopular street.
I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Matvey Petrykin

понедельник, 25 апреля 2016 г.

Life experiance

I'm dividing life experiance to knolage and skills. I want to turn my knolage to skills. 
When i grow up, I want to be  doctor. because of this I'm reading much biological books.
In one of them was wroten about blush.
It’s no secret that we blush when we’re embarrassed, but why? Well, when you feel self-conscious, your body releases adrenalin which increases the blood flow to your face. Babies don’t blush. You only blush when you become aware of other people’s thoughts and feelings. Also it's only humans think, only old people can blush. For example when we say to our dog, good boy or somethink similar they move their tail. People don't have any tails because of this we are blushing. But we are not so different with animals,we are yawning together. 
No one knows for sure why we yawn, but one theory is that when you’re tired or bored, you don’t breathe as deeply as usual, so yawning helps you to take more oxygen into the blood. Other scientists say that yawning stretches the muscles and lungs and increases the heart rate, helping us to stay more alert. Most people seem to agree about one thing, though ... yawning is contagious! 
But one think doing us kings of evolution. Our brains and Social Etiquette. 
In England  If you are meeting someone for the first time, extend a hand to say hello. Britons greet each other with firm handshakes. Hugs are rare, but kissing on the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives. Also, it is important to make eye contact while speaking with someone; otherwise you will seem rude or insincere. Use titles, such as Dr Smith or Mr Norris, to show respect, unless someone invites you to use their first name. Address a woman as Ms (as in Ms Banks) if you aren’t sure if she is married or not.
I gain my life experiane from my family, enternet books and others.
For me the most perpective resource is enternet,because of it's versatility and big packet of knowlage.

воскресенье, 28 февраля 2016 г.

healthy mind healthy body

Now our life is closely related with electronical devices. we can't live without our phones, computers...
our time spending is not health and many of us are exposed to different diseases.
With new games consoles, you have to move around in front of the TV to control the action on-screen. When you make the same motion again and again in a confined space, the results can be quite serious. Repeated arm motions can cause strain to your shoulder. Doctors warn th a t you must not play for too long, and you should warm up first. Their advice is to prepare for the game like you would fo rthe real thing.
Also there are much different diseases like hearing loss, eye strain, thumb arthritis and others. I will never wish sutch problems to you, but if you have there is some solutions with homemade matireals.
 People have used vinegar as a natural remedy for over 6,000 years! It’s great for minor cuts or itchy rashes. Do you have a sunburn so painful you can’t move? You could try adding one cup of white vinegar to a cool bath. This will soothe your skin,
Do you have an upset stomach? You could try chewing a piece of ginger. You can also do this before a journey if you suffer from travel sickness. Ginger may also help you if you have bad breath.
Can you feel a headache coming on? Boil some water and make yourself a nice cup of tea! The caffeine in the tea will open up the constricted blood vessels that cause a headache. Also, if you suffer from hay fever and have itchy, watery eyes all summer, put cold, wet tea bags over them.' The tannin in the tea will really help!
If this methods cant help you can visit doctors. They can give you some syrups,painkillers,drops or do an X- ray.
I think that all problems is happending by our salfes.If you have a healthy mind you'll have  healthy body.

пятница, 19 февраля 2016 г.


1. Try to ignore this person(people)
2.  Test your friends
3.  Be prepared to peer pressue 
1.  This person will know that he isn't interesting for you
2.  If you testing your friends, you'll know who can't betray you 
3.  If you are prepared you will know what you should do in situation like peer pressue 

среда, 10 февраля 2016 г.

problems caused when we use our gadgets for a long time

People in contemporary world can hardly imagine their lives without machines. Every day either a new gadget is invented or an old one is improved. Different people appreciate new inventions differently. Some suppose that sophisticated gadgets are really useful and necessary, while others find them absolutely awful as they influence people badly. As for me, I am pretty sure that gadgets make people`s lives easier.

Firstly, they do all kinds of dirty and hard work, as cleaning. Secondly, devices can save a lot of time as well as storage space. For instance, a computer disk can contain the same amount of information as several thick books.So, machines help people in different spheres.

However, opponents of this point of view are definitely sure that gadgets affect people negatively. People are reluctant to work due to the influence of machines. People become lazy and disorganized. They just expect their latest gadgets to do everything instead of them. Moreover, according to scientists, a great number of widespread devices produce radiation that can cause serious health problems. Furthermore, more and more people are becoming addicted to their modern gadgets, for instance computers, TVs or mobile phones. So, they neglect their home obligations, work or school and spend all their spare time in front of a laptop screen or a TV-set.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that in spite of all drawbacks, gadgets have, their benefits are much more considerable, as they save people`s time and let them enjoy life.

вторник, 2 февраля 2016 г.

Mother Nature


Мать-природа-это дом для всех нас. Я очень люблю природу больше, чем современные здания крупных городах и другие.
Мать-природа не всегда приветливые. Есть много вьюг и  бурь  на нашей планете. Я знаю одно место, где люди действительно знают, что значит плохая погода.
Антарктида, самый холодный.
самый ветреный и самый засушливый континент в мире! Летом
погода является достаточно "мягким" - это 0°С, несмотря на мороз, пейзажи и дикая природа здесь невероятная. Там
стоят пломбы везде. Зима здесь бывает очень тяжело ! Температура снизится примерно до -40°C и солнце не восходит вообще.
В местах вроде этого экстремального спорта является очень популярным. Мне так нравится один из них. Вок-рейсинг представьте мчался по ледяной дорожке со скоростью 60 км./р/ч в китайском г обжарить в сковороде. Вок гонки начинаются как шутки на немецком телевидении, но вскоре стало очень популярным. Ну, вот, ах горячий совет - если у вас теплый нижней части вок перед конкурирующими, лед тает и вы едете быстрее. Но вы можете быть в ловушке дикой природы, как Блейк Стэнфилд. Он прекрасный теплый день в  июне 2003 года, Блейк Стэнфилд решил взять его отца, Нейла, на поездку в Аляске  пустыне. На первое утро, они отправились вместе Koyukuk вниз по реке на плоту. Они только прошли несколько миль вниз по реке, когда, к их ужасу, они увидели огромную стену льда перед ними! Их плот врезался в лед и мужчин упал в ледяную воду. Если вода не была столь быстротекущей, они бы смогли заползти на лед, но вместо этого она быстро засосала их под и увлек их вместе
Если Вы не любите экстрим вы можете отправиться на пешие прогулки. Аппалачская тропа-это тропинка, которая проходит через 14 Штатов из Mount Katahdin, штат Мэн, на севере до горы Спрингер, Грузией на юге. Следует Аппалачах через более 3200 км из невероятной природной красотой.  Или вы можете посетить пещеры. Спелеология-это экстремальный вид спорта, который подразумевает ходьбу, ползание, лазание, спуск на канате, и даже плавание и рафтинг по пещерам! Ученые обнаружили свыше 7 700 'troglobites" до сих пор. Это единственный вид рыбы, пауки, многоножки, раки, скорпионы и другие существа, которые живут всю свою жизнь в пещерах. Они часто адаптированы к темноте условиях. Некоторые слепые, но имеют отличное обоняние. Другие выживают в течение длительного времени, таких как пещера ракообразных, которые могут жить за 175 лет!
Люди, которые не любят пещер, можно попробовать ехать по тайге. Тайга, что означает ‘лесной’ в русском, является крупнейшим в мире биом. Он состоит из хвойных лесов и охватывает большую часть России, Скандинавии, и Северной Америке. В Тейг а имеет субарктический климат с большими перепадами температур между сезонами. Зима длинная и очень холодная, и только снегопад, и температура может понижаться до-54°С. лето очень короткое, но теплое и влажное, иногда температура достигает 30°С. деревья тайги приспособились к низким уровням солнечного света и экстремальных условиях. Большинство из них акции forevergreen деревья, значит они держат свою листву круглый год. Листья тоже темно-зеленого цвета, так что они могут поглощать больше солнечного света для фотосинтеза. В coneshape из вечнозеленых растений позволяет снегу соскальзывать из них так ветки не ломаются от тяжести снега. В среду тайги способствует поддержанию здорового роста деревьев и некоторые деревья существуют тысячи лет.
Наша природа в решетку опасность глобального потепления!  Земля нагревается и большинство ученых считают, что это все наша вина. Когда мы сжигаем ископаемые виды топлива, выбросов парниковых газов, таких как углекислый газ увеличить. Глобальное потепление представляет собой серьезную угрозу для дикой природы. В частности, в Арктике белые медведи в большой опасности. Лед, что они охотятся из тает очень быстро, так что им придется плыть дальше и дальше, чтобы найти еду.
Я думаю, что мы должны сохранить нашу природу, потому что это часть нас.

воскресенье, 24 января 2016 г.

How to resist peer pressue

   Nowadays, peer pressure on the school is a common problem in many countries. There is no doubt that it is an unpleasant and annoying sight. The question is, what can we as individuals do about it? In fact, there are a number of solutions.
   In the first place, we should make sure that we dispose of our trust and feelings responsibly. In other words, you should feel more confident in your actions. If
   Secondly, chose your friends carefully. It is important to make friend you do this,you will know your personal limits.s with people is interesting for you. Then,  someone shares your beliefs,you will reduce the amound of peer pressure.
   As a final idea, you can talk it through with someone who trust you. As a result, they give you helpful advice,as they probably have experience with peer pressure too.
   In conclusion, I want to say. If you are friendly, know your limits and consulted with others you'll resist peer pressue.

пятница, 22 января 2016 г.

What Can See Foreign Tourists in Moscow

What Can See Foreign Tourists in Moscow

Moscow is one of the most fascinating cities in Europe to visit.

World famous sights are all on offer, from the Kremlin and Red Square to fine art museums and historic treasures of the state and churches, as well as incomparable religious icons.

One of the things stranger is to do is to pay a visit to the Lenin Mausoleum to peer at the embalmed body of the former Soviet leader. This is extremely popular with locals, who come to pay their respects, so expect to queue with hundreds of them for at least 40 minutes before being ushered into the Mausoleum single file.

Guards are positioned at various points to guide people through the dark tomb. A quick walk around and you are out again. It almost seems inappropriate to stop and stare at the body for any length of time. The whole experience is rather bizarre, not only because you are looking at a dead Lenin, but also from the atmosphere created by the strict entry formalities and rather stern looking guards.

The Kremlin is what Moscow is most famous for. Once the home of the Tsars and the old headquarters of the Soviet Union, it is now the residence of the Russian President. The Kremlin has been the architectural focus of the city since the first wooden Kremlin was built in 1156. 

Now it houses several cathedrals and churches, the Faceted Palace, Ivan the Great Bell Tower, plus the magnificent State Armoury with its stunning collections of costumes, golden chariots and paintings, as well as the State Diamond Fund. A reminder of the Soviet era exists too with the grey modern concrete building, the Palace of Congresses that was built next to the historical palaces and onion domed churches.

The other well-known landmark is the Red Square with the famous onion domes of St Basil's Cathedral at the southern end. The square is around 500 metres in length and was originally a market square for the Kremlin in the late 15th century. It has long been a place of protests and processions, but is now used more often for cultural events, firework displays and concerts. The cathedral was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible and completed in 1561.

Combine these world-class cultural sights with a thriving entertainment scene including ballet, opera, theatre and a wide choice of lively nightlife venues, and Moscow is a great choice.

воскресенье, 17 января 2016 г.

A holiday to remember

One day last winter my parents and I went on a new year party in the Mexica. we stayed at five star hotel and return to home.
In the curorte ware many russians. They did our holiday interesting. We maked friends with family and celebrated new year together. In the evening hotel did  wondeful dinner and party after. Also we had a crismas tree and Santa Claus, whom was in read coat and funny sunglasses. I'm realy liked it. we danced all night and in next morning was not easy to get up. 
I'm  so liked new year on Mexica. I wish i can go there to the other holidays.
But for me new year is holiday for all family. If i can stay at home with all  of my family, I prefered it to resting in other places.

воскресенье, 10 января 2016 г.

My winter holydays

Every year I have winter holidays. They usually last for two weeks. Holidays give me the opportunity not to get up early in the morning, so I sleep till 10 o’clock.

When the weather is cold, I prefer to stay at home and read something interesting, play computer games or watch TV. As I spend lots of time at home, I have to help my mother with cooking or cleaning.  In the evening I usually visit my friends or go out with them to the cinema or café.

My hobby is mountain skiing, so when the weather is fine I go skiing.  When I come back home I am usually very tired and go to sleep after supper.

Of course, winter holidays are not so long and joyful as summer holidays, but in any case winter holidays is the time of rest.